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The blessed Birch Tree, known as 'Beith' in the Irish language and 'Berkanan' in Proto-Germanic, has been a sacred presence throughout my childhood. She began speaking to me again around 2019 when I encountered her eternal hollowed bark in a local forest and thus 'Berkana Raido Rattles' was born.  'Raido' is the word for goddess and so the 'Birch Goddess' is whom I work with to call in the spirit of these scared vessels.

As an indigenous practitioner from Ireland , I will often invoke the spirit of the ancestors, or 'Sound' & 'Matter' using the Ogham tract or words of my native tongue to add power & meaning to the rattles. Often people will ask for the phases of the moon or 'Fionn's Window' - an ancient divination glyph from the Book of Ballymote.

Do you feel the call to work with the Birch Goddess? the spirit of the Ogham ? Do you feel it's time to call in the  ancestors with your own individual rattle voice? Or perhaps it's time you had your own Ogham set?

I am available for one-to-one consultations, workshops and commissions. Click below on the 'Contact Us' tab or use the chat function. 

Set of Ogham sticks used for divination
Two silver birches standing tall
Ritual art & HEALING niamh murray (2).png
Fionns Window birch rattle




"I consider Shamanic Journeying as an act of faith, illuminating inner wisdom and truths, and potentially altering consciousness. With this in mind it is essential that the phsycological implications of where this can take you are respected. Niamh had strong energetic boundaries, and was well grounded as a guide.  Although I felt ‘held’, she was not needy as a healer, Her focus was entirely on me, not what she could do for me, but what I could do for myself, empowering and then supporting an exploration of what came up in the journeying. I experienced sensitive counselling around trauma and subsequently some deep soul retrieval work. The work continues energetically, from this new and enlightened place. I have the confidence to journey alone now, but still feel supported, and am so grateful that Niamh was offering shamanic practice."

                                                                     -DANCER, LONDON

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