Sitting around the candle, the hearth or the fire- my commitment on this earth is to build community and gathering of the single person to the wider context of the world. We are all sitting in the same circle, and behind us, sits another circle and behind them, another. I am your ally.
I am committed to paying attention to embrace an ethic of multiculturalism and decolonization that includes de-centering forms of imperialism. I have the deepest respect for all peoples, indigenous peoples, languages and lands and commit to following the red road and Navajo / Hopi Prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow
Within my practise I aim for there to be no hierarchy. The work is a collaboration between us and sacred spirit . You may trust in my skills as a Shamanic Practitioner and I encourage an equal partnership for the healing to work. I cannot do the healing for anyone, we are all responsible for our own healing- we might just need some support and expertise along that path.
In 2019 I became a member of the 'Path of the HEART clan'. It is my life long determination to keep dropping into my heart each and every day. I commit in my personal life, internally as a Path of the Heart Clan member, and in relationship with all who engage our offerings, to embody an ethic of kindness and genuine regard for the sacredness of life.
As a member of the QUEER community I also offer my heart and services to those who identify within this umbrella of LGBTQI+
I whole heartedly affirm the individuality of the ancestors and my other-than-human kin. I call upon heart centered, compassionate ancestors and other -than -human beings. I work within the web of consciousness, life and beyond the living realm encompassing dreaming, divination, intuition, healing and direct sustained relationship through divine revelation.
Knowing that cultural healing is the work of many lifetimes I commit to uprooting and healing diverse manifestations of supremacy, internally as people, throughout our communities, within my ritual, healing or community offerings which make their way out into the world.